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Models of 21st century digital university

From “cognition and memory” to “cognition-action”

“Cognition and memory”, represented on the diagram below, is the only enhanced learning method so far. The teacher is the only holder of the information to be transferred to the student. The acquisition of knowledge is confirmed by the student’s reproduction of the information (by means of essay, etc.).

Regarding the study of controversies, the information is under construction and not yet defined. As the end of the debate is not known, we cannot transfer information. As a result, the “cognition and memory” isn’t fitted.

FORCCAST’s ambition and coherence can be illustrated through the following diagram on the issues of mutation to “cognition-action”.

New learning connections

The information isn’t transferred but the student has to look for it. Thus, the learning connections are altered: instead of transferring knowledge to students, the teachers guide them by either pushing them or slowing them down. Giving the subjects chosen by the students, teachers can suggest knowledge avidly absorbed by the learners.

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Equipe FORCCAST (14 février 2013). Models of 21st century digital university. FORCCAST (EN). Consulté le 18 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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