Axis 1 classes: Explore
The aim of mapping controversies is to train students to navigate in the world of technoscientific debates, by creatively using digital tools to analyse and represent. Between sociology and design, web mining and survey, the controversy classes are part of the innovative and original classes of the consortium.
Economical disequilibrium, ecological crises and every great contemporary issue show themselves as political, scientific, moral and technical knots, impossible to unknot.
In this context of growing hybridization, the involvement in public life is becoming more and more problematic. In order to get bearings in this unpredictable universe, future citizens need tools to explore and visualize the complexity of public debates. The goal of mapping controversies is to contribute to the development of these tools by creatively using digital technologies.
For the year 2015/16, the axis 1 contains the following classes:
- Mapping controversies – Tommaso Venturini (Sciences Po, ENSAD)
- Mapping scientific controversies – Nicolas Benvegnu and Brice Laurent (Sciences Po)
- Description of the controversies – Madeleine Akrich (Mines ParisTech)
- The issues of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) – Jérôme Denis (Telecom ParisTech)
- Sciences, techniques and controversies – Valérie November and Jonathan Rutherford (Ponts ParisTech)
- Sociology of controversies – Nicolas Benvegnu (Paris 7)
The classes’ list of previous years is available on the links below: